Mental Health, Loki, Thrae, and Getting A Year Older: Here's what's trending on ScrollStack this week

Loki is streaming on Disney plus and there is no better way to begin this week's newsletter than WarpCore's review on whether Loki is the craziest thing Marvel has put out. "The team behind the show has done a wonderful job of introducing everything, nailing every element in a way I did not see coming," he writes.

Meanwhile, Nandini Swaminathan lists down her thoughts and learnings about the world as she celebrates her second birthday during the lockdown. "Sometimes, the universe REALLY needs to shake things up, in order for you to feel like yourself again. Especially when you haven't felt like yourself in over a decade," she writes.

Ron Fassler, who writes on theatre and its evolution over the years writes on the troubled history of 1956's Candide. "A longtime friend, Connie first told it to me around the time it happened more than thirty years ago and time has done nothing to diminish the remarkable series of circumstances that led to what can only be termed a personal triumph," he writes.

Meanwhile, Ridhi Malhotra who runs Books and Authors Bulletin on ScrollStack speaks to Utssav Gupta, author of Rebound on how to bounce back and disrupt your market with Strategic Innovation. This book "illustrates his personal experience and his company’s path to success. Additionally, it demonstrates how to de-noise modern systems and conventional approaches," she writes.

Do you have any suggestions on who should be featured in this list? Write to us at

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Is Loki the craziest thing Marvel has put out? by WarpCore

On getting older & (maybe a little) wiser! by Nandini Swaminathan

Why Mental Health is of Utmost Importance by Aman Arora

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Q&A: Utssav Gupta, Author of 'Rebound' by Ridhi Malhotra

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