Techno-Racism, Masala Chai, and COVID at Home & Abroad: Here's what's trending on ScrollStack this week

In his latest book, One More Step, Dr. Chandrashekar DP recounts his journey with the world's largest contingent of school students to Everest Base camp. Ridhi Malhotra, one of our top creators this week, interviews him about his inspiration behind writing this book, recommendations, and much more.
Prakash Jain, writes on the confusion and misinformation that revolves around COVID-19: कोरोना के ईलाज पर कन्फ्यूज़न ही कन्फ्यूज़न है, सोल्यूशन का पता नहीं !
Vijayendra Mohanty who runs writes about the Government of India planning to launch an "International" channel to talk about world issues, presumably to counter the talk that world media is having about the Indian government. Spoiler Alert: Global Media doesn't care about Indian Opinions.
Meanwhile, Dr. Celine Gounder of Just Human Productions speaks to two researchers who have studied how social media algorithms have helped disinformation amplifiers game the system on in her latest podcast titled "S1E74: Techno-Racism & COVID at Home and Abroad / Mútale Nkonde, Corin Faife, Heidi Larson, Imran Ahmed".
Do you have any suggestions on who should be featured in this list? Write to us at

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Q&A: Dr. Chandrashekar DP, Author of 'One More Step' by Ridhi Malhotra

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S1E74: Techno-Racism & COVID at Home and Abroad / Mútale Nkonde, Corin Faife, Heidi Larson, Imran Ahmed by Just Human Productions

कोरोना के ईलाज पर कन्फ्यूज़न ही कन्फ्यूज़न है,  सोल्यूशन का पता नहीं ! by Prakash Jain

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