Cricket, COVID and other IPL ailments, Satyajit Ray’s cinema, and more: Here's what's trending on ScrollStack this week

Here are the top posts published on ScrollStack this week.

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Cricket, COVID and other IPL ailments by Karunya

Queen's Indinglish - A quiz on Indian words in English by Simple Interest

At home in the world: Remembering the quiet magic of Satyajit Ray’s cinema by Sumeet Kaul

महामारी और पत्रकारिता: जो बिछड़ गए और जो गंभीर मानसिक आघात के बीच जद्दोजहद कर रहे हैं by Anand Pradhan

Role of advertising in empowering women in India by Lipi Patel

Deaths Are Becoming Data While Narendra Modi Continues To Dismantle India by Raj Ajay Pandya

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