Support is the fastest and simplest way to start earning from your content and followers

The creator economy - direct payments from fans to creators - is flourishing. Digital payments have transformed everything from consumer spending to donations. An estimated two million creators are making a full-time living from their pursuits. However, collecting money from their fans is still one of the biggest challenges creators face along with one-dimensional distribution (email only on most platforms), etc.

Moreover, all major creator platforms like Patreon, SubStack, Luma, etc require creators to build a subscription or membership base. That works well for a very small number of established creators in the Western world but leaves out millions of creators who don’t want to go down that path.

Support on ScrollStack solves these challenges and makes collecting money from your fans easy and fast. Anywhere in the world.

What is it, Exactly?

Support is a way for creators to enable one-time contributions from their followers, without any technology integrations or skills. Your followers can contribute to you from around the world. For example, your followers from India and the US can send you contributions with equal ease, using their preferred local payment methods.

Is it Easy to Setup and Use?

Creating a successful platform requires making something that's easy to use. Signing up is a simple two-step process:

  1. Click on "Edit Profile" located in the Profile section of your Account,

  1. Enable the Support button and write a short note on why people should contribute to your ScrollStack,

And you're done!

How do I best use the Support feature?

Here are 3 simple things you should do to make the most of Support feature:
1. Make sure all your followers, across all social platforms, know that they can support you on ScrollStack. You might be hesitant about asking for contributions - most creators are. However, our experience proves that supporters actually want to pay you for your work, and they don’t know how to!

2. Add your ScrollStack profile link in the bio of your social media accounts. As you gain followers on various platforms, it’s important for them to know where they can support you, without you having to remind them.

3. Link to your ScrollStack profile in your other publications. If you run a free newsletter or publish content across platforms, include a link to your ScrollStack profile and encourage people to support you if they find value in your work. 

What's the Cost?

Support is free to use*, but there is a transaction fee charged on all payments by the payment processors. You'll be charged a 2.5% transaction fee and get to keep 97.5% of your earnings. We may introduce a small platform fee in the future.

The Bottom Line

So creators around the world, what are you waiting for? Start creating, and earning from your fans, followers, and friends - ScrollStack's got you covered. Here is a video on how to start,

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